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May 24, 2024

Claire chatted to Mario Di Castro from CERN all about robotic inspection and maintenance in hazardous environments.

Mario Di Castro has a Master’s degree in electronic engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in Italy and a PhD in robotics and industrial controls from the Polytechnic University of Madrid...

Dec 1, 2023

Claire chatted to Rav Chunilal from Sellafield all about robotics and AI for nuclear decommissioning.

Rav Chunilal is the Head of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence at Sellafield Ltd, the UK's largest nuclear site. He is responsible for developing and deploying Robotics and AI technologies to decommission the site...

Jun 16, 2023

This week, Claire chatted to Robert Richardson from the University of Leeds all about 3D printing, robot design, and infrastructure repair.

Robert Richardson is Professor of Robotics in the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds, and executive chair of EPSRC UK-RAS network. His research interests...

Jun 2, 2023

This week, Claire chatted to James Kell from Jacobs Engineering UK all about civil infrastructure, nuclear robotics and jet engine inspection.

James Kell is Robotics Technical Director at Jacobs Engineering UK. He is responsible for the internal robotics technical strategy and is actively looking to apply the decades...

Feb 26, 2021

One way in which robots can be put to particularly good use is for performing tasks in environments that are too dangerous for humans to work, for example deep below ground or underwater, or in industrial environments like nuclear power plants.

In this episode, I’m joined by Dr Simon Watson (University of Manchester)...